01 Introduction to Roma Custom Bike - Harley Davidson

This is the episode that started it all! We explore what we'll see in the following episodes of "Roma Custom Bike".
This is the episode that started it all! We explore what we'll see in the following episodes of "Roma Custom Bike".
In this episode Custom Cez builds a shock compressor for all softail suspensions with just a few bucks worth of materials.
In this episode Custom Cez builds a shock compressor for all softail suspensions with just a few bucks worth of materials.
In this 2 parts episode Custom Cez will design and machine a part for his bike from aluminum and copper from zero.
Custom Cez, with the help of Luca Vanno & Polsky Rage, takes down his Harley Davidson softail's EVO engine.
Custom Cez brings his heads and cylinders for reconditioning at Rettifica Micheli in Rome.
Custom Cez puts the Harley Davidson EVO engine back together in this assembly tutorial.
We find out how to lace the wheels and then Custom Cez pays a visit to Jake Cutler of Barnstorm Cycles.
Custom Cez explains how he made his home shop, the powder coating system and some diy tools.
Custom Cez unboxes the Google Glasses and goes for a nice ride around Rome on Harley Davidson motorcycle.
We can finally assemble the Harley Davidson motorcycle and go to Custon Cez's first bike show.
This is the extended uncut version of the interview to Jake Cutler of Barnstorm Cycles from Spencer Mass.
Custom Cez checks out 2013 110th Harley Davidson anniversary in Rome and interview to Asso Special Bike.
Custom Cez
"The web-serie. Roma Custom Bike is the result of all of my passions.
Art, motorcycles and mechanics.
It started as a game and now we are even producing custom accessories for Harley Davidson motorcycles“
It all started from making a few how-to videos and evolved in a proper show. Roma Custom Bike is the first web-series about custom bike made in Italy and distributed world wide both in Italian and English. Now with its own accessories store.
The show starts from Custom Cez's desire to document his bike's restoration process. It was supposed to be a simple docu-tutorial, shot with a single camera so that he could keep it as a memory of passionate and creative work.
Custom Cez (aka Cesare Rascel, producer) is not capable to do simple moderate things, so already by the 3rd episode he started devolving more and more time and resources to the project until it become what it is today, a full blown tv show on the web.
The audience interaction continues to influence the direction taken by the show and this is really appreciated by the audience, making Roma Custom Bike such a unique show that is now a focal point for the Italian custom bike community.
Custom Cez Artist - Designer - CEO
Custom Cez pays a visit to customizer Stone's Cycles in Northboro MASS - USA.